Personal Injury Litigation

The firm handles a variety of personal injury claims throughout the state of Maine. We represent individuals in matters ranging from multi-party wrongful death cases to automobile collisions, slip and fall accidents, premises and products liability, and reputational injuries such as defamation. We also represent those against whom claims have been made.

Our attorneys are experienced in coordinating the many facets of personal injury litigation, which include understanding the medicine associated with a given injury, working closely with expert witnesses, calculating the value of potential lost wage and future earnings claims, and negotiating with insurance companies. Additionally, our clients’ personal injury cases often involve novel issues of law.

We are well versed in tackling such issues, and always work diligently to obtain the best possible outcome for our clients. Because we do not limit our practice in the area of personal injury to any one particular type and because we represent plaintiffs as well as defendants, we bring to every personal injury case a broader perspective than most firms can offer. That perspective, combined with our responsive individualized approach, adds up to high-quality, economical legal representation and excellent results.